The quantum linear system problem (QLSP) is a quantum variant of the linear system problem Ax=b. Given the access to an invertible matrix A and to a normalized quantum state ∣b⟩, QLSP asks a construction of the solution quantum state
with bounded error.
Suppose the condition number of the coefficient matrix is κ:=∥A∥2/∥A−1∥2 and A∈CN×N. The recent progress reveals some near-optimal quantum algorithms for solving QLSP with bounded error ϵ and complexity O~(κlog(1/ϵ)polylog(N)). In this example, we will deploy a much simpler (but sacrificing the total complexity) construction of the solution to QLSP.
The equivalent problem in function approximation
The immediate idea for solving QLSP is approximately implementing the map A↦A−1. Hence, in light of QSP, the implementation boils down to a scalar function f(x)=x−1. Without loss of generality, we assume the matrix is normalized so that ∥A∥2≤1. Then, the condition number implies that the eigenvalues of A lie in the interval Dκ:=[−1,−κ]∪[κ,1]. Hence, we have to find an odd polynomial approximation to f(x) on the interval Dκ. Here, the interval is set to Dκ rather than [−1,1] to exclude the singularity of f(x) at x=0.
Setup parameters
For numerical demonstration, we set κ=10 and scale down the target function by a factor of 1/(2κ)=1/20 so that
This improves the numerical stability.
kappa = 10;
targ = @(x) (1/(2*kappa))./x;
% approximate f(x) by a polynomial of degree deg
deg = 151;
parity = mod(deg, 2);
Polynomial approximation using convex-optimization-based method
To numerically find the best polynomial approximating f(x) on the interval Dκ, we use a subroutine which solves the problem using convex optimization. We first set the parameters of the subroutine.
% set the parameters of the solver
opts.objnorm = Inf;
opts.epsil = 0.2;
opts.npts = 500;
opts.fscale = 1; % disable further rescaling of f(x)ab
Then, simply calling the subroutine yields the coefficients of the approximation polynomial in the Chebyshev basis. As a remark, the solver outputs all coefficients while we have to post-select those of odd order due to the parity constraint.
To visualize this polynomial approximation, we plot it with the target function. From the figure, we can find both agree very well on Dκ but have distinct regularity otherwise.
visualize polynomial approximation
% convert the Chebyshev coefficients to Chebyshev polynomial
func = @(x) ChebyCoef2Func(x, coef, parity, true);
hold on
xlist1 = linspace(0.5/kappa,1,500)';
targ_value1 = targ(xlist1);
xlist1 = linspace(-1,1,1000)';
func_value1 = func(xlist1);
hold off
xlabel('$x$', 'Interpreter', 'latex')
ylabel('$f(x)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex')
legend('target function', '', 'polynomial approximation')
xlabel('$x$', 'Interpreter', 'latex')
ylabel('$f_\mathrm{poly}(x)-f(x)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex')
Solving the phase factors for QLSP
We use Newton's method for solving phase factors. The parameters of the solver is initiated as follows.
% set the parameters of the solver
opts.maxiter = 100;
opts.criteria = 1e-12;
% use the real representation to speed up the computation
opts.useReal = true;
opts.targetPre = true;
opts.method = 'Newton';
% solve phase factors
[phi_proc,out] = QSP_solver(coef,parity,opts);
Verifying the solution
We verify the solved phase factors by computing the residual error in terms of the ℓ∞ norm
Gilyén, A., Su, Y., Low, G. H., & Wiebe, N. (2019, June). Quantum singular value transformation and beyond: exponential improvements for quantum matrix arithmetics. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (pp. 193-204).
Dong, Y., Meng, X., Whaley, K. B., & Lin, L. (2021). Efficient phase-factor evaluation in quantum signal processing. Physical Review A, 103(4), 042419.
Output of the code
norm error = 7.64691e-07
max of solution = 0.800546
iter err
1 +1.2889e-01
2 +8.8228e-03
3 +6.4969e-05
4 +3.7459e-09
5 +1.4694e-15
Stop criteria satisfied.
The residual error is