Quantum Hamiltonian simulation
Quantum Hamiltonian simulation is a class of problems targeting at implementing the mapfor some Hermitian matrix . Using QSP, the quantum hamiltonian simulation boils down to setting the target scalar function as . Due to the parity constraint, the implementation of the target scalar function is separated into implementing components and respectively. Then, these components are combined to realize using linear combination of unitaries (LCU). To illustrate the workflow, we set the evolution time to .
Solving for the real component
To increase the numerical stability, the (real component of the) target function is scaled down by a factor . Then, the target function is uniformly upper bounded by . The Chebyshev coefficients of the target function is obtained by truncating the series to some finite degree. According to the analysis, it suffices to set so that the truncation error is lower than .
Start the solver to find phase factors.
Verifying the solution
We verify the solved phase factors by computing the residual error in terms of the normalized norm
Using equally spaced points, the residual error is which attains almost machine precision. We also plot the pointwise error.
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Dong, Y., Meng, X., Whaley, K. B., & Lin, L. (2021). Efficient phase-factor evaluation in quantum signal processing. Physical Review A, 103(4), 042419.
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